Author: @micazev

  • Creatine is not only for gym rats

    Creatine is not only for gym rats

    Everyone could benefit from 5g a day Creatine is a very popular supplement, if you’ve ever touched your toe in the pool of supplements world, you’ve probably heard of it. Maybe you’ve heard that creatine bloats the whole body, or you’re familiar with the age-old creatine cycling tactic. Both are myths and we’re going to…

  • Hit the gym or practice yoga?

    Hit the gym or practice yoga?

    Yoga is a practice that has captivated people for centuries, and although many believe its origins date back to ancient India, its evolution over time is a story of exchange and invention. While we honor the traditions of the past, we also celebrate the dynamic evolution of yoga as a living practice that continues to…

  • Routines? No, thank you.

    Routines? No, thank you.

    How to create rewards and narratives to master your habits beyond simple robotic routines 🤖 One more week on the calendar, and you realize you haven’t been working out as much as you’d like? 😅 It would be great if you could automatically put on your gym clothes and go to training without thinking twice…

  • 80sqm house renovation

    80sqm house renovation

    In 2021, my boyfriend and I embarked on a thrilling renovation journey, our soon-to-be new home, an 80-square-meter, almost 100 year old, two-story house close to the city center of we both hail from, SãoPaulo. After +6 months, we start seeing the results… Kitchen One of our first challenges was to brighten up the kitchen,…

  • How did we become people who buy something every day?

    How did we become people who buy something every day?

    With the infinity of content on the internet, isn’t it strange that we spend so much time looking at products for sale? Why is it more common to make a list of products we’ll never buy than of the works of art we love the most? We spend hours and days looking at trinkets: we…